MUST READ! Silent but Serious Impacts of Earthquakes to Health According to World Health Organization

For some ominous reasons, we've been experiencing earthquakes recently. For this year alone, the Philippines has experienced at least 15 recorded quakes, with a prominence in a 7.2 magnitude quake hitting Davao Occidental in April.

And earlier today, Manila and Batangas was just hit by a 6.1 magnitude quake.

Little do we know, earthquakes have very silent but totally serious effects to our health, which vary according to the magnitude, the nature of the build environment and the secondary effects of the quake (e.g., landslides, fires, tsunamis).

Immediate Health Impacts of Earthquakes

ü  Trauma-related deaths and injuries from building collapse
ü  Trauma-related deaths and injuries from the secondary effects of the earthquake (drowning and physical trauma from tsunamis, trauma from landslides, burns and smoke inhalation from fires).

Medium-Term Impact on Health

ü  Secondary infection of untreated wounds.
ü  Potential risk of communicable diseases, particularly in areas affected by overcrowding.
ü  Potential environmental contamination by chemical/radiological agents following destruction of industrial infrastructure.
ü  Increased morbidity and risk of complications related to pregnancy, deliveries and newborns due to interrupted obstetric and neonatal services.
ü  Increased morbidity and risk of complications of chronic diseases due to interruption of treatment.
ü  Increased psychosocial needs

Earthquakes' Impact on the Health System

ü  Damage to health facilities and transport infrastructure, with subsequent disruption of service delivery, leading to reduced access to and functionality of all levels of health services.
ü  Absence of health workers who may not be able to reach the health facilities that are still functional, or whose homes and families may have been directly affected by the earthquake.
ü  Reduced ability to pay for health services as affected households lose assets and livelihoods.
ü  Loss of medical supplies and interrupted procurement systems, with many stock-outs.


Please watch the video below on how to survive an earthquake.

Please share for awareness!

Source: World Health Organization
Video: Storm Channel

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