WARNING TO ALL E-CIG USERS: Chemical in E-Cigs and Vapes Can Cause Popcorn Lung Disease – Harvard

There's a general notion that e-cigarettes are the better and healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes because of less or zero nicotine. However, studies have proven otherwise.

E-cigarettes are no better than the cigarettes smokers are used to. In fact, they are even more dangerous, with reports showing explosions due to e-cig and some smokers slipping into comas.

And it gets worse! According to a research from the Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a chemical in some of the liquids of e-cigs can cause life-threatening disease known as POPCORN LUNG DISEASE.

Popcorn lung is a rare condition where the airways in the lungs become narrower and weaker due to inflammation or scarring.  Also known as bronchitis obliterans, this disease is irreversible and can cause death.

E-Cig Smokers Beware!

The culprit behind this deadly disease is the chemical known as diacetyl. This chemical is linked to the development of popcorn lung disease after the Harvard researchers tested over 75% of flavored e-cigs and refill liquids. The name of the disease may sound unusual, but it was coined when workers of microwave popcorn processing factories got sick after inhaling the artificial butter flavor in their products.

Diacetyl was found in 39 out of 51 flavors inspected by the researchers with different concentrations, ranging from very small amounts to 239 micrograms for every e-cig. Diacetyl is considered a safe flavoring when added to food. However, when people smell it regularly, it can cause the popcorn lung disease. This is based on the data about the appearance of the disease over a decade ago. When inhaled and popcorn lung develops, scarring of the lungs may take place until the lungs lose their function. The only available treatment is to have a lung transplant.

Symptoms of Popcorn Lung Disease

ü  Night sweats
ü  Unexplained weight loss
ü  Fevers
ü  Skin inflammation
ü  Eyes, nose, and/or throat inflammation

ü  Asthma

Unfortunately, the symptoms are almost the same as other lung diseases, particularly tobacco-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This makes popcorn lung disease quite difficult to diagnose unless there is a high level of suspicion about the cause.

Nicotine was the main focus of e-cig critics, but diacetyl can be an even bigger concern. Aside from this chemical, 2.3-pentanedione and acetoin are two other flavoring compounds found in e-cigarettes that may pose a threat to the respiratory system. Based on the Harvard research, 47 out of the 51 e-cig flavors have at least one of the three chemicals.

Source: Steth News

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