Eye twitching, or blepharospasm in medical terms, is the abnormal contraction (or twitching) of the eyelid, particularly the upper eyelid. It is a neurological movement disorder involving involuntary and sustained contractions of the muscles around the eyes.

When the spasms are a chronic or frequent, the twitches can be a sign of essential blepharospasm, which is a benign condition. Sometimes though, twitching should be consulted with a doctor as the spasms could be a signal of a nerve or brain disorder.
Signs of Eyelid Twitching
Twitches of the eyelid often happen in the upper lid, but there are other people who experience both in their upper and lower lids. The symptoms of eyelid twitching can vary from one person to another, which can be any of the following:
ü Very mild spasms that feel like a soft tug on the eyelid
ü Strong spasms that forces the person to totally close the eyelid
ü No noticeable signs, but other people notice the visible twitching
The twitches don’t usually last long
from a few seconds to two minutes at the most. Episodes are
unpredictable with the twitches occurring one day and the other day they are absent. Generally, they are harmless and painless, but they can be bothersome.
Causes of Eyelid TwitchingMost eyelid twitches can go away on their own without any kind of treatment. However, if they persist for more than a month, you should determine the
potential cause of the twitching, which can be:
ü Stress
ü Tiredness
ü Eye strain
ü Caffeine
ü Alcohol
ü Dry eyes
ü Nutritional imbalances
ü Allergies
How to Solve Eye Twitching ProblemSo depending on the cause, you may want to try the following solutions:
1. Get enough sleep.
2. Stop drinking or moderately consume caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages.
3. When a spasm begins, use warm compress and place on the affected lid.
4. Make sure to keep your eye membranes and surfaces lubricated using eye drops or artificial tears that can be bought at pharmacies.
5. Botox injections are also used particularly on benign essential blepharospasm, so that severe spasms can be prevented or eased. Periodic injections are required though as the effects of Botox wear off.
6. Surgery is also performed on people with severe cases of essential blepharospasm to remove nerves and muscles found in the eyelids. Although effective, physical therapy is needed to relax the muscles in the face.
Lifestyle changes, such as
decrease in caffeine intake, are often necessary to reduce symptoms of eyelid twitching as well as benign essential blepharospasm. Some people opt for
acupuncture, which is also effective, along with
tai chi, and
psychotherapy, which is a recommended treatment for people with
Tourette’s syndrome.
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