Remove Dark Spots From Your Legs and Thighs in Just 15 Minutes

All of us are conscious about our physical appearance, and we always strive to achieve perfection by relying on home remedies as well as cosmetic products.

Dark pigmentation on the neck, underarms and inner thighs is an embarrassing and depressing problem, especially for people with fair complexion because it not only affects the overall appearance of the person, but curbs one’s freedom of wearing all types of clothing.

The hyper-pigmentation is caused by an increase in the level of melanin in the skin cells, deposition of dead skin cells on these regions, frequent shaving, friction caused by fitting clothes and allergies.

Whatever might be the reason for discoloration, it is best to address the issue with home remedies using natural ingredients – the ultimate answer to the question of  how to get clear skin naturally, which have absolutely no side effects.

The best way to lighten the skin tone of the neck, legs and thighs region is by using natural and time-tested home remedies.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda;
  • 1 tablespoon of sea salt.


Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get a creamy texture. And your remedy is ready. Just apply it on the affected area and your good to go.

Check out the step-by-step turorial below to see how effective this remedy is:

Source: Healthy Food House

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