The Cancer Dies When You Eat These 7 Foods. Time to Start Eating Them!

A recent study has found that these 7 types of foods and drinks can stop cancer and tumor growth. These powerful groceries will help your body kill cancer cells more efficiently and without any side effects.

These all-natural ingredients have powerful anti-carcinogenic properties. And the best thing about these ingredients is that many people around the world consume them every day and some of these ingredients are already favorite foods for many people, which makes them even more popular.

These foods and drinks include: red wine, blueberries, turmeric, tomatoes, green tea and black chocolate. Many scientists and medical experts have stated that these foods are even more effective than the conventional chemotherapy treatment.

Why are these foods so powerful?

These powerful anti-cancer foods are very useful, because they can stop the blood supply to the tumor cells. You should also know that these 7 ingredients are actually anti-angiogenesis, which means that they can stop and slow down the cancer cell growth, because they can affect and stop the feeding of the cancer cells. Let me explain this for your – when our bodies our formed, they undergo a process called angiogenesis.

This type of process involves the creation of new blood vessels in the human body. This, angiogenesis, process is enhanced in some periods of our lives, especially in newborns. At adults, this process activates in case of wound when tissues and capillaries need to be regenerated and refreshed. The angiogenesis process is usually regulated by activator and inhibitor molecules, and usually inhibitors predominate. So, when there are carcinogenic cells in the human body, they stimulate the activators to increase the vascular growth. This results in the production of new blood vessels. The cancer cells release their activators of angiogenesis. These are the molecules that “trick” the human body and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels that supply the tumor to nutrients and oxygen.

All cancer cells need proper food and nutrients, in order to grow faster. So, these ingredients will slow down the angiogenesis process and they will prevent new food channels to be created. And this is why most anti-cancer medications are actually pharmaceutically designed inhibitors. So, these inhibitors will counteract the activity of the activators and stop the angiogenesis process. And that’s the bad thing with this conventional chemotherapy treatment – because inhibitors don’t attack the cancer cells, they just stop and slow down the growing process. And as we said, these 7 powerful natural ingredients have similar anti-angiogenesis effect.

The Red Wine Effect

First, you should know that the red wine contains high amounts with a very powerful antioxidant – resveratrol. Rasveratrol is a powerful compound, found in the grape skins. This natural compound has powerful anti-oxidant properties and it can reduce the risk of cancer.

Some medical studies have found that this powerful compound can inhibit cancer growth, kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, increases lifespan in animals, improves the energy production of human cells, it eliminates the dangerous and harmful free radicals, increases glucose tolerance to diabetes, improves heart function, improves physical and mental function and concentration, repairs the damaged DNA. It also prevents the cell damage caused by nuclear radiation.

One glass of red wine (225 ml) contains about 640 mcg of resveratrol. There are also resveratrol supplements as well. They are often in combination with extracts from grape or other natural antioxidants. They are usually taken in doses of 200 – 600 mcg per day. According to scientific study, Bordeaux and Pinot Noir contain the most of this powerful compound.

The Tomato Effect

A recent study, conducted by group of researchers at the Harvard University, has found that people who consumed tomato juice more than 5 times a month have significantly reduced their risk of prostate cancer by almost 50%. The medical experts have found that tomatoes are very useful and effective in inhibiting the angiogenesis, and the main reason for that is that they contain high amounts of the lycopene compound.

Tomatoes are loaded with the compound lycopene, which has strong anti-angiogenic properties. Lycopene is a fat-soluble compound and this is why it requires proper absorption through the digestive tract. Did you know that the Vitamin C content in tomatoes is significantly increased when tomatoes are exposed to high temperatures or cooked with oil?

The Blueberry and Raspberry Effect

These two delicious fruits are known by their powerful anti-cancer properties. These delicious fruits are loaded with many healthy nutrients. They have rich amounts of phytochemicals, which can protect from many different types of cancer. Blueberries are also able to reduce the oxidative stress and stop angiogenesis. They are also very useful in protecting and fighting against ovarian cancer.

Dark Chocolate

This is amazing, because we all love dark chocolate. This food is super tasty and healthy at the same time. You should also know that dark chocolate is good for the heart health, improves the mood and it’s also very useful in fighting cancer cells.

Coffee and Green Tea

We all drink coffee or green tea, well – at least once a day, right? These 2 drinks are very useful for boosting your metabolism, which means it will speed up the weight loss process. But, you should also know that these two drinks are also very useful in decreasing the chances of cancer development.


Well, this is extremely useful and powerful spice, which has powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties and it can provide many health benefits. Turmeric is also very useful in boosting the fat-burning process and improves the health in general. And you can also use it as a preventive measure against this terrible disease. You should add turmeric to your meals every day! As you can see, these 7 foods and drinks are very good for you.

Source: Cuisine & Health

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