Ditch These Light Bulbs That Cause Migraines and Even Cancer!

Saving money on electric bills is our biggest problem and we are always looking for the better solutions. Energy saving CFL light bulbs are one of those solutions. These light bulbs are good for saving money and they are also good for the environment. But there is a warning that these light bulbs are toxic. This warning comes from the US Environment Protection Agency.

These CFL light bulbs are actually releasing a gas that is very poisonous if they break.

The most terrifying thing is that if this bulb breaks indoors it can release twenty times more mercury in to the air which can be very harmful, for example it can cause: anxiety, cluster headache, migraines, fatigue, dizziness, seizures and inability to focus.

Another important thing is that this energy-saving bulbs can actually increase the risk of cancer. Knowing all these facts, you should stay away from these light bulbs as the experts do. The incandesced light bulbs are much better choice according the experts.


These bulbs are attractive to people because they are saving the energy but you should know that these bulbs contain mercury which is really bad for the children and the pregnant women because of the neurotoxin. This may damage your nervous system, kidneys, the liver ,the brain, reproductive system, the heart and the immune system.


There is a study in Berlin, Germany at the Alab Laboratory showing that most of these light bulbs which are found in almost every home have are very poisonous carcinogens and that means using them continuously can eventually cause cancer.


Besides mercury, CFL bulbs contain phenol, which is an acidic crystalline solid gained from coal tar and the white-crystalline substance is really toxic.


This substance is really volatile as the white-crystalline component phenol. This white substance is gained by distilling the coal tar and it is used for creating a lot of chemicals and mothballs.

The sunlight isn’t always present in your home. Instead, we use the light bulbs for many needs. But these bulbs contain and emit UV rays, UV–B and UV–C types of radiations. The risk of skin cancer is on a higher level by using these bulbs. You should use the old-fashioned bulbs if you want to save yourself and your family and protect them from attacks to your system and body.

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