Amazing List of 50 Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar - Plus Instructions on How to Consume It Without Gagging!

Apple cider vinegar is a multitasker that every household loves! This magnificent tonic has been used since for ages in the treatments of a number of different ailments, including allergies, common colds and infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, arthritis and many others.

In 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing natural cleansing, healing and energizing qualities.Japanese Samurai, Roman soldiers and military groups throughout history have used apple cider vinegar for these same qualities, as an antiseptic, antibacterial and as an energizer.

Always pay attention on the label of the apple cider vinegar you like to purchase, and pick the one that contains the “mother”. The “mother” occurs naturally as connected strand-like chains of protein enzyme molecules and is highly regarded throughout history.

Despite being acidic by nature, it actually helps to balance your pH levels, which helps support a healthy body, decreasing chronic inflammation and warding off illness. Apple cider vinegar is a multi- purpose item which can do a lot for you and your family. This article gives a list of the 50 most common uses of this potent and beneficial tonic:

1. Heartburn
Anytime you feel heartburn symptoms coming on, dilute a tablespoon or so in some water. If it is too nasty for you to swallow, add a little raw honey to taste.

2. Clear Skin
Soak a washcloth in apple cider vinegar and apply to your face to lessen oil. This will also help with scarring from acne.

3. Antifungal
Apply apple cider vinegar topically to affected area. Another alternative is to soak the area in 1 part apple cider vinegar, 5 parts water, for 30 minutes a day if possible.

4. Sore Muscles
Rub apple cider vinegar directly over sore muscles or mix a tablespoon with water and gulp it down for pain relief.

5. Anti-Itching Means
Some apple cider vinegarshould be of great help to get rid of the itchiness. If you’ve become the unfortunate enemy of a jellyfish or even poison ivy, simply apply it directly to skin and let it work its magic.

6. Insulin Sensitivity
Regularly use ofthis vinegar may help keep blood sugar levels balanced.

7. Clear Sinuses
A stuffy nose can be a very unpleasant condition. Try sipping a cup of water mixed with apple cider vinegar. This will act as an antibacterial in your throat and may help decrease and break-up the mucus.

8. Lymph Circulation
The daily use of the apple cider vinegar will provide you with detox benefits and will help you build immunity. ½ tablespoon mixed in some tea or lemon water every morning will be needed to reach the aim.

9. Energy Boost
Add a little, since it has a strong taste, to a fresh morning juice or smoothie.

10. Facial Toner
Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a little water and apply to face with a cotton ball. Yes, the smell is strong but it dissipates quickly and will improve your skin. Repeat the procedure on a daily basis for best results.

11. Sunburn
Apple cider vinegar helps the skin to feel soothed and cool, as well as it restores the skin’s pH.Add a cup or two of apple cider vinegar to a bath and soak for ten minutes.

12. Teeth Whitening
Apply directly to teeth and then rinse with water, but avoid doing this often as it may break down tooth enamel. For a more gentle approach, dilute with water and use as a mouth rinse.

13. All Purpose Cleaner
Making your own cleaner is a fantastic way to get rid of unnecessary chemicals in your home. ACV is double fermented and an excellent detoxifier. Mix 1 part water, 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil together in a spray bottle.

14. Odor Remover
Apple cider vinegar breaks down the volatile compounds and kills bacteria that causes unpleasant odors around the house. Prepare your odor remover by mixing 1 part water and 1 part apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and use in rooms where a bad odor is present.

15. Weed Killer
Different recipes existthat make use ofapple cider vinegar as a weed killer. You can use it on its own, mix with dish soap, water, salt and/or lemon juice.

16. Dandruff
Mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on hair after shampoo, Leave it on the hair for 15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure for a few days until dandruff problem disappears completely. It is advisable to repeat this treatment once every week or so for maintenance.

17. Sore Throat
Apple cider vinegar possesses antibacterial properties which make it extremely suitable for colds and such illnesses. Combine one tablespoon of it, 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper and 3 tablespoons raw honey in a glass of warm water. Apple cider vinegar and honey have antibacterial properties to help speed up recovery and the capsaicin in hot peppers will help soothe pain.

18. Foot Odor
Pour Apple cider vinegar over baby wipes, store in a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight and use as needed. This can also be used as an underarm deodorizer.

19. Burns
As soon as possible, apply ACV to the burn to help soothe pain and stimulate healing, as well as to disinfect it. But note that you should never apply it to open wounds.

20. Bruises
Warm up a cup of apple cider vinegar and mix in a tablespoon of salt. Apply the mixture on the bruise as a compress.

21. Bad Breath
To get rid of bad breath, mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and gargle for 10 seconds.

22. Post Shaving Treatment
Mix equal amount of apple cider vinegar and water and apply to skin for a soothing aftershave.

23. Gas and Constipation
Vinegar stimulates digestive juices (HCl – hydrochloric acid) that help your body breakdown food.Dilute a tablespoon of it into warm tea and drink this mixture before a meal.

24. Flea Repellent (pets)
If you didn’t know this fact, apple cider vinegar makes an awesome natural flea repellent, which gives fantastic results! Simply apply topically to your dog’s skin or put in a spray bottle and spray over fur and in the dogs bed.

25. Skin Tags, Moles, Warts
Soak a cotton ball with some vinegar, place over the skin tag, mole or wart and secure with medical tape. Leave it on during the night and wash the area after removing it. Repeat nightly until wart problem is gone.

26. Condiment Enhancer
Live up your condiments using apple cider vinegar. Try adding a little to sauces, marinades and vinaigrettes. Mix with lemon juice for a great veggie dressing.Mix this vinegar with a little olive oil and fresh herbs for a simple topping for meat or salad.

27. Mix with Fruit Juice
Don’t doubt this combination, since its flavor is superb! Try mixing a small amount of apple cider vinegar into grape or a similar type of juice, but be careful to use fresh pressed one, not the store bought varieties. It is an easy and tasty way to get a daily dose of ACV.

28. Soups
For a little extra punch, add a splash of ACV to your soup

29. Baked Goods
Add to baked goods to add an extra lift, and in small amounts, it will never be felt.

30. Urine Smell in Clothes
Add ½ cup to washing machine to get urine smell out of clothing.

31. Upset Stomach
The antibiotic properties and the pectin in apple cider vinegar are soothing the stomach. Combine 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon fresh ginger water, 1tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, 8 ounces sparkling water and raw honey to taste, to prepare a stomach soothing cocktail. Take a swig in a glass of water when you start feeling unsettled or bloated.

32. Stop Your Pet From Chewing on Your Things
Most animals hate the smell of vinegar. Undoubtedly, they will avoid chewing on cords, couches, etc. if you dab some apple cider vinegar on them once a week. If your dog pees in the house, clean it up with apple cider vinegar cleaner and they’ll never pee there again.

33. Detox Bath
Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar to your bath along with ⅓-1 cup of Epsom salts and 5-10 drops essential oils. Adding sea salt, ginger and baking soda are also great options for further detoxification and relaxation.

34. Cramping
To feel relief, rub directly on area that is cramping.

35. Hair Detangler
Mix in a spray bottle with water and apple cider vinegar in ratio 1:1 and spritz on hair when combing.

36. Detoxify the Liver
Give your liver a powerful detox treatment by taking 1-2 tablespoon in an 8 oz glass of water in the morning, followed by eating raw organic fruit and vegetables and lots of water throughout the day.

37. Candida
This vinegar is rich in enzymes that help the body combat candida. Take ½ tablespoon twice daily.

38. Dish Detergent
You can use it in your dishwasher to help remove grease.

39. Relieves Gout
Take 2-3 tablespoons, 2-3 times every day to relieve gout.

40. Add to Bone Broth
Add a few spoonfuls into your bone broth to add a kick and some extra detox power.

41. Weight Loss
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar suppresses appetite and reduces water retention. Take ½ tablespoon in some fresh lemon water every morning or before meals and you will experience great results in the weight loss process.

42. Shiny Hair
Rinse your hair in a combination of equal part of apple cider vinegar and water after shampooing for a great shine.

43. Hand and Foot Massage
Rub on your hands and feet after a long day to relieve tired muscles.

44. Alkalization
Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment, and the regular consumption of apple cider vinegar can help your body maintain a healthy pH level.

45. Wash Fruits and Vegetables
Use some vinegar to wash your fruits and veggies before consuming them. This is important to remove any pesticides or chemicals that may have been sprayed on them before they were harvested.

46. Neutralize Spices
While cooking, when you’ve accidentally added one too many shakes of cayenne powder to your dinner, add a tablespoon of this miraculous item at a time until the taste returns.

47. Flytrap
A way to attract and kill fruit flies is to put some apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap in a bowl and set on the counter.

48. Exercise Fatigue
Lactic acid builds up in the body after a workout and causes fatigue. The amino acids in ACV provide a perfect antidote.Take a tablespoon apple cider vinegar in a cup of water after a workout to battle post-workout exhaustion.

49. Yeast Infection
Add 1 ½ cups of this vinegar to a bath and soak for 20 minutes.

50. Allergies
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in water and 1 tablespoon local organic raw honey daily will help you combat allergy season.

Source: Healthy Food House

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